For God so loved the world…….John 3:16 The Greek word for world is "kosmos" and it’s defined as “the ungodly multitude; this is the world that God loved. It doesn’t say that God loved all the good guys, or that God loved all the Jews, or that God loved all the saints. It says, “For God so loved the world.....” this means God Loved everyone person He created, but even though He was in the world, and the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him John 1:10. God’s Love is Unconditional, it’s all out, unlimited, no ifs & no buts, unconstrained and no strings attached. This love clearly isn’t based on our spiritual condition or our moral predisposition, it isn’t based on our behavior or our attitude toward him. Rather God’s love for mankind is universal and unconditional. He loves everyone, which includes you and this is one of the things that sets Him apart from every other god held up by every other world religion. God's unconditional love means unconditional Grace. There is nothing we can do to make God love us more and there’s nothing we can do to make God love us less. His nature and personality is LOVE.
Thank you Lord For Loving Me,Despite My Inadequacy…🙏🔥❤️
Thank you God for your unconditional love for me! I know there are no limits on your love! hallelujah!💟