When I was much younger I always thought that Christians who were rich and successful were not living in God’s word because they cannot be humble with it. I always thought humility comes with being poor because being rich can distract you from your focus of serving God diligently. However, the ministry of Jesus and the message of the Bible redefined the true meaning of success to me. I have come to understand that Success is not just a good thing but a blessing from the Lord. You see, God doesn't just love you and care about you but He has given you such extraordinary and tremendous privileges and success is one of it. Deuteronomy 8:18 says “But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” God wants us to succeed in life because this is the reason He came so that we may have and enjoy life, & have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows) John 10:10. Another very important point is that true success can only be achieved by growing and using your faith in God’s Word & trusting in Him totally. Being successful is not just for your own benefit but for the benefit of others, Evangelist TL Osborne said “Success begins when you look out for a human need and you reach out to meet that need. Your ultimate goal should be helping, encouraging and supporting others, when you do, you become the definition of success and then the blessings follows you, this is true success.