As a Pastor, I have heard many say that they pray God will give them the grace to love like Jesus. So many times, instead of accepting our responsibility as Christians, to grow our love commitment, we want God to do all the work in our spiritual growth and development. We expect Him to supply more of His love, which He already provided. It's really our responsibility to see to it that we develop our love so it can grow and increase. Also on the subject of love, too many believers are like the man with one talent (Mathew 25:14-30). He wrapped up his talent in a napkin and hid it. The same goes for so many of us, we have hidden the love of God that has already been shed abroad in our hearts. We've hidden it, instead of using it, exercising it, and developing it. No, we need to find out what God's Word says on the subject of love and renew our mind (Romans 12:2) to what His Word says. Thereafter it's our duty to practice, exercise, and develop what has been freely given us. The more saturated you are in God's Word, the more you will be saturated in His love. When His Love in full inside you, acting based on God's love will be the first thought that comes to your mind, no matter what anyone has done to you. Choose Love always.