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There are certain important ingredients for a rich and effective prayer life. Firstly, honesty with God: Be very open in your communication with Him. After all, He knows everything about you, and it doesn’t make sense to act like He doesn’t. Now, openness doesn’t mean saying the wrong things, like: “Oh God I just want to let you know what I am really going through; you know even though I am saying I am rich, you know I am broke.” That’s not being open! Some might say, I just want to tell the real truth, but what is the real truth? The real truth is not your experience; your experience may be a fact but it’s not the truth. Your experiences are controlled by the truth, and if you will not control them by the truth, they will be controlled by the lie of the devil. Secondly, passion. This means a strong emotion towards God, and it’s very important in your prayer life. If you have strong emotion towards God, your prayer life will be very different. You’ll always gain in your communication with Him, and you’ll always feel tremendously refreshed. Thirdly, prayers saturated with God’s thoughts. Words are thoughts clothed in vocabulary; so God’s thoughts are in His Word. Your prayers should be filled with the thoughts of God (His thinking). You must pray the Word. During prayer let the Word come through you like the out-breathing of God from your spirit; this allows prayer to become a ministry to you. Hallelujah!


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