"In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time". 1 John 5:5-6 NIV
God is saying "Humility"; He is calling us to be humble. The Greek verb for "humble" in the above scripture is in the passive voice, which could be translated, "be humbled." In this case, it is the hand of God that is humbling us. We are being instructed to allow God to humble us. The word humility, in the Greek language, means to make low, to abase, to make small, or to weaken. It is contrary to our human nature to be made low. It goes against the grain of our pride and our sense of self-worth to allow anyone or anything to weaken us or make us small. When you allow God to humble you and you make yourself low, He is actually elevating and placing you higher to your world with increased confidence in yourself.
Humility means accepting God's rule instead of ours. It means accepting His rule when we don't understand and when He doesn't give us an explanation. It comes from a proper understanding of the Grace of God because all that we have comes from Him. It's a gift and nothing is earned. The Bible is clear; God wants us to be humble. He sent Jesus Christ to this world as our Savior as the true example of humility. If you want to know what being humble is like, look to the Lord Jesus. We have to follow His foot steps and always be thankful to God for giving Jesus Christ to us. We have to be humble because in due time He may lift and exalt us.
Humility releases God’s Power and gives you easy access to the Throne of Grace. Humility is something we "DO", not something we "FEEL". You have to do it because the war to remain humble must be fought every day on all fronts, when you do more grace is given you to excel on all sides. God Bless you.