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Each department work hand in hand with other team ministries for the purpose of achieving Church growth and kingdom expansion and to carry out any duties that may be assigned to the ministry group from time to time by the Ministry leadership. 



- The Music Ministry is made up of a group of dedicated brethren bonded by the same goal of leading the entire church in worshiping our God in Spirit and in Truth. 
- This ministry takes care of the music and worship needs of the church. 
- They are driven by a vision to create an energetic atmosphere for the manifest presence of God in every service and encouraging all to be worshipers.
- They work hand in hand with the pastorate.
Under Music, we have;
- Praise Team
- Choristers
- Instrumentalists 



- The Ushers/Greeters/Protocol Ministry is a team of dedicated and hospitable people who are committed to welcoming everyone who enters the doors of our church. 
- The team is committed to ensuring a safe and distraction free worship experience. 
- Taking and recording attendance at all church services & programmes.
- The ushering department is responsible for ushering members of the congregation into designated areas assigned for them. 
- They are usually very alert and strategically placed around the aisles during church services to ensure they attend to the needs of the congregation effectively and efficiently with very minimal disruption to the service. 
- The Greeters is the group that shows kindness in welcoming members and guests to church. 
- The ushers are charged with maintaining orderliness in services and keeping the Church in a decent and presentable condition.
- Protocol works directly with the Pastorate.
- Protocol is charged with the security matters inside and outside the church auditorium and premise.



- Follow up all the First Time visitors to the church.
- Follow up on members from time to time especially those who have missed services for one reason or another. 
- Visit church members as the need arises. 
- Taking and recording attendance at all church services & programs.
- They work very closely with the pastorate, feeding back the needs of the First time visitors, new converts and members. They are a caring team who are constantly ensuring that the needs of all groups of people in the church are met.
- The Welcoming team is always at hand at services to ensure that members are given a warm welcome when they come to church. After the service, team members coordinate a reception for those that are visiting or joining the church. 
- The Welcoming team plays a key role in the church as a part of evangelism, which is a key responsibility for every believer and Church.  
- They create an atmosphere to let them know we appreciate their visit to our church and appreciate a return if they do not have a permanent place of worship or when ever they are in town, for those who have visited from afar. 



- Create/update and publish media information of the church.
- Setup and maintain IT and networking equipment in church.
- Technical department of the church is responsible for maintenance of technical equipment and media coverage of the church.
- The team maintains and setup musical instruments, audio and visual equipment in the church for the service and other outreach programs.
- Record messages of every services and special programmes and produce (or reproduce) CD and DVD.
​- Online Streaming

Under Media, we have;
- Technical
- Photographing
- Videoing



- The Evangelism Team vision is to spread the gospel within our communities and beyond. This department helps us fulfill the Lord's commandment in Matt 10:7, Acts 28:31 and Luke 9:2. 
- The team maps out strategic places in our locality and as the Holy Spirit leads and also have strategic ideas in winning souls into the kingdom.

- Hospital Evangelism Unit
- Prison Evangelism Unit
- Door to Door Evangelism Unit
- Tract Unit i.e. Production and Distribution of tracts and flyers.
- Bus Evangelism Unit
Under Outreach, we have;
- Evangelism
- Publicity & programs



The Welfare Department is an arm of the church with the responsibility to care for and serve the needy members within the church primarily, and others in the community it is located. 1 John 3:17 (MSG), 1 John 4:11-12(MSG), Deuteronomy 15:7-11

- To support the Pastor
- To assist the church (Feeding during programs, 1st timer package etc) 
- To periodically support needy members in church and also the community with basic necessities. Going to shelters, within our means by distributing non- perishable food stuff, clothing, blankets, towels, toiletries, etc.
- To visit and encourage Church members who are sick, depressed, discouraged or bereaved.
- To provide necessary financial assistance, scholarships or soft loans for the committed members of the Church.
- Demonstrate God's love, touch spirits and bring others to Christ. 



The Bible says; "Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it". Proverbs 22:6
Love Domain Children Church begins in the mind of the Pastor and its a priority as a church. 

​- Children's church is not a day care, it is a vital arm in the ministry. 
- It is a place where children are raised and equipped for the work of the ministry.
- Children's church is a nation within the Love Domain Nation.
- Every child has the capacity to contain deity. 
- We give attention to every child because a child can minister onto the Lord. Acts 12:1-13, Mark 10:13-15
- The church are divided into different groups (Tiny Love, Little Love and Big Love). 



- The L.D.P.P (Prayer/intercessory department) constantly communicates and petitions God on behalf of the pastorate, entire brethren within the church, within the community and the world at large.  
- Prayer ministry connects people to Christ through effective prayers. 
- It seeks to encourage people to pray through example and teaching so that their desire to pray will turn into a lifestyle of prayer. It has proven to be a setting in which people are set free and made whole so that they are able to take their place in discipleship and ministry.
​Ephesians 6:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Jude 1:20, 1 Timothy 2:1, 8.



- The Finance Department is solely responsible for handling the churches finances. 
- They count and record all of the church takings at the end of each service. 
- They ensure thorough audits of the finances are taken in conjunction with the pastorate. 
- They manage the departmental and overall church budgets.


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Service Times

Sundays (Embrace) @ 10am-12pm

Fridays (Prayer Pavilion) @ 11pm-12am


Online Experience

  • facebook
  • TikTok
  • instagram
  • YouTube
  • googlePlaces


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